Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Back By Popular Demand!

Well, only one person actually demanded more blogging, but, she is popular. Does that count? Yes? Wonderful! Hmmm, what should I blog about? I did get one suggestion to do a live blog/commentary of a baseball game. I do wanna try that at one point; however, since the game is over, now is not the time. BTW Jamie Moyer became the oldest pitcher to best the Yankees in MLB history. Proving that Jamie Moyer is one of the best pitching geasers of all time. Little known fact, Jamie Moyer would have more wins, but his rookie year was interrupted by 40 days and 40 nights of rain delays. Well this is a start. I'll try and update more in the future. Maybe I'll even start doing some exciting stuff. Ya know, so this thing can be...good-ish.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it counts. Of course it does, mate (just been to London, I hope this weird language thing in my head won't last).:D And I thank you. A lot. Do I have to start blogging now, too? It won't be about good things. I will be bitching. Probably in a funny way, but it will be complaining, about my boss that unfortunately is not capable of doing shit, about me being incapable of getting my ass up to study, about me traveling for work and hating every minute of it etc. etc. So again: Who again said that business travel was exciting? Thank god there is no mirror in sight.
